What is the Cybermonitor?
With the Cybermonitor, we want to get SMEs moving! With the help of local governments or business circles we ask for a collective buy-in of the Lupasafe software. Together with the efforts of the local MSPs, we help entrepreneurs to become more aware of cyber risks. For example, that on-premise AD and self-managed computers pose a serious risk.
The cyber monitor is designed to give a small company basic insight, but in case of questions, it can quickly move to an upsell & higher service level. At Lupasafe We are always open to your ideas and suggestions. It should help your MSP at the end of the day.
What are the differences between the Lupasafe product and the Cybermonitor product?
You can find a detailed description on our website: https://lupasafe.com/nl/nieuws/welk-niveau-van-cyberbeveiligingsmonitoring-heeft-u-nodig/
How do we see the difference between a Cybermonitor client via a business club and a client who takes the full product via us?
At the head of the page you will clearly see the words ‘Cybermonitor’
For Cybermonitor clients, many features are not available in the portal (they are shown as grey and not clickable). Companies receive in our system via the form an online tag (member:EBC or member: UNIZO for example).
How does this work with the invoicing?
As an MSP you invoice the Cybermonitor lead or customer for labor of the installation. The Cybermonitor product is collectively purchased by Veenendaal, Ede, soon Scherpenzeel. Clients do not pay anything apart from installation costs.
How does it work if the customer goes from the Cybermonitor to the Lupasafe product as offered by our MSP?
Then you can invoice the customer. As an MSP, you will do an upgrade in the portal under ´manage customers´ / ' add customer'. After this the client automatically appears in the 'Supervisor' report.
Who receives the report and what should or will be done with it?
The MSP is the owner of the customer, also for Cybermonitor customers, and sees this in its portal, for example
What about management reporting?
The MSP can add the director of a company (https://portal.lupasafe.com/Progress)
They will then receive a Dutch update with the basics every month
And notifications? Where do the warnings come in and who will take action if something comes of it?
The MSP can send notifications to the management address
Who is responsible for that?
This is a conversation between you as an MSP and your customer. This is where an upsell is a possibility.
For example: A graphic design agency participates in the Cybermonitor. The app can be installed on both home computers and drawing machines. Should the drawing machines not also be managed by the MSP? You get data-driven insights into risky applications and lack of policies such as disk encryption.