Guide Always-On E-learning
This guide provides an overview of the Always-On E-learning functionalities within Lupasafe.
1. Activation and basic Operation
1a. Activation via landing page
- Go to Portal - People - Elearning: you can activate the Always-On E-learning via the "always on" button
- By switching the toggle you activate the e-learning.
Once activated, all registered employees automatically receive the first module that is due for that month.
Employees must already be in the system.
If no employees are registered, the option remains grayed out and cannot be activated.
1b. Activation via the Progress Bar
You can activate the Always-On learning via the "Progress bar" in the portal.
Two buttons are available: Start and View.
"View" displays the e-learning overview page.
"Start" opens a pop-up with the choice between "Single" or "Always-On" training.
Once activated, the Always-On functionality is enabled.
2. New Employees
2a. Automatic Inclusion
If you use the AAD connection: New employees are automatically added.
If you do not use the AAD connection: New employees must be added manually.
2b. Processing New Employees
Employees added mid-month start from the next month’s cycle.
They do not receive the current month’s module but you can send it out manually.
3. Language Preferences
3a. First-Time User
Upon first participation, the user selects a language.
This preference is stored for future training sessions.
3b. Returning User
The training automatically starts in the previously chosen language.
4. Reminders
If an employee does not complete the training, a reminder is sent after 7 days.
5. Reporting
At the end of each month, a business report is generated with:
Completion rates
Average scores
Weakest topics
Benchmarking against other organizations
This report is sent to managers on the first working day of the new month within the general Lupasafe monthly report.
6. Annual Cycle
After 12 trainings (a year), the cycle restarts with Phishing.
Questions and content are randomly selected from the available data.
Questions on a medium level and harder level will be added to the Lupasafe database.
7. Exceptions
Trainings that coincide with holidays (e.g., January 1st) are postponed to the second Monday of that month.
8. Email Delivery
To prevent emails from being marked as spam:
Whitelist the domain.
9. Module Order for 2025
Work from home
Mobile devices
Social engineering
Safe online
Email communication
10. Inform your employees - Template (EN & NL)
You can use the template below to inform your employees.
Subject: Start of monthly online cybersecurity training from [month]
Dear employees,
We are taking an important step in strengthening our digital security. From January onwards, you will receive a short online cybersecurity training in your mailbox every month via Lupasafe.
These training courses are designed to make you aware of digital risks and to keep our organization safe. It only takes 5 minutes per month to complete a training course, but the effect is great: together we remain alert and reduce the chance of cyber incidents.
I would like to ask you to follow these training courses every month. In this way, we can build a safe working environment together.
Thank you in advance for your efforts!
Kind regards,
[Your name]
[Your position]
Met onderstaand template kan je medewerkers op de hoogte te stellen.
Onderwerp: Start van maandelijkse online cybersecurity training vanaf [maand]
Beste medewerkers,
We gaan een belangrijke stap zetten in het versterken van onze digitale veiligheid. Via Lupasafe ontvangen jullie vanaf januari elke maand een korte online cybersecurity training in jullie mailbox.
Deze trainingen zijn ontworpen om jullie bewust te maken van digitale risico’s en om onze organisatie veilig te houden. Het kost slechts 5 minuten per maand om een training in te vullen, maar het effect is groot: samen blijven we alert en verkleinen we de kans op cyberincidenten.
Ik wil jullie vragen om deze trainingen iedere maand te volgen. Zo bouwen we samen aan een veilige werkomgeving.
Alvast bedankt voor jullie inzet!
Met vriendelijke groet,
[Je naam]
[Je functie]