How to perform a remote silent uninstall of the Lupasafe .exe agent via intune or similar tooling

If you're experiencing issues with the installation of the Agent via Intune. For example when Intune is  reporting the agent as uninstalled, while the endpoint  shows it running but not connecting to the API, you can resolve this with a remote silent uninstall.


Here’s a quick solution using msiexec.


Command for Silent Uninstall

Run the following command on the target systems to uninstall the Agent:


msiexec /x {311A8496-B8FB-48C0-955F-9B4DF30E9E03} /passive


  /x: Uninstall the application.

  {311A8496-B8FB-48C0-955F-9B4DF30E9E03}: Unique identifier (GUID) for the Agent.

  /passive: Ensures minimal user interaction. Users might briefly see a popup for a fraction of a second.



  1. Deploy the above command via your preferred remote management tool, such as Intune or another RMM solution
  2. Once the uninstall completes, you can proceed to reinstall the agent using your alternative method.

This method efficiently removes the Agent with minimal user impact, ensuring you can start fresh for a stable installation.