Lupasafe analyses the software on each laptop, server and smartphone. This is part of the vulnerability management process.
Outdated software poses a serious risk to organisations. Please read the UK's National Cybersecurity Center article on this.
It looks at the specific version to assess whether this version is vulnerable to exploits or other security vulnerabilities.
Usually, the older the software, the more vulnerable.
What to do
The resolving of this problem is called Patchmanagement.
What can you do to mitigate the risk of vulnerable software?
There are a few possible actions:
1) Remove outdated software. Lupasafe will detect that software has been removed and update the risk accordingly. Most laptops we say have multiple browsers. This is a good time to clean up the old browser your never used.
2) Update. Most software offers an Update now button. Just centrally or locally update the software. The Lupasafe agent will notice the update and will update the risk score. An update most often results in a lower risk score.
3) Accept. Sometimes the older version of software is required to keep accessing a website or service. In that case you can Accept the risk and give a short description. Skopos will remove the risk score for any accepted risk. Technically the risk exposure is still there, but accepted by the organisation.