Lupasafe allows you to monitor your own phishing campaigns. Go to ´employees´ and click on ´phishing´. Here you see a list of all people you sent the campaign to.
1. Monitor the campaign
They are sorted by:
Sent - the date you sent out the campaign
Read - the date the email is opened
Clicked - the date the link is clicked on
If you monitor the messages via a link, you will also receive information about who clicked on the links.
We suggest monitoring your phishing campaigns closely to know when you should invest in more training for your employees.
2. Report on the campaign
We suggest reporting in the following way:
The first phishing email was sent on DATE with the title: “Action required: change password” containing the request to urgently change the Hubspot password. On DATE, we sent a phishing to all 138 registered CUSTOMER employees.
After 48 hours we have the following results for the first phishing test:
- The message has been opened 135 times,
- 102 employees clicked on the link;
- We received 11 completed passwords
In the dashboard you can also see a visual display of the results. Go to ´dashboard´ en click on ´phishing´ on the bottom bar.