Our Windows Agent installers support unattended installation.
You’ll need to provide specific information as command line parameters. For the workstation agent, use the user’s email address (which Lupasafe should already have in the portal under Employees, via AAD integration for example).
For workstations/servers, you can also use an API username and password. If you don’t have these yet, you can generate a new API username and password in the portal. https://portal.lupasafe.com/Account/clients).
Workstation Agent with Email
You can download the installer from here: https://lupasafe.com/client_software/latest/Skopos%20Agent%20Teams.exe
To start the unattended installation you can start the installer using the following command line parameters and fill in the users e-mail address:
Skopos Agent Teams.exe /exenoui /qn USEREMAIL="name@domain.com"
Workstation / Server agent with API keys:
You can download the installer here: https://lupasafe.com/client_software/latest/Skopos%20Agent.exe
To start the unattended installation you can start the installer using the following command line parameters and fill in the API keys generated in the portal under Settings -> Agents:
Skopos Agent.exe /exenoui /qn USER_NAME="username_from_portal" USER_PASSWORD="password_from_portal"
Error handling
The installation will fail if the back-end can't be reached or if the e-mail address / API combination is (yet) unknown to the back-end. In that case this message will appear in the EventLog: