After you complete this step, Lupasafe will identify risks for you on your websites. Lupasafe will monitor for vulnerabilities on webpages (OWASP), ports (portscan), encryption strength & certificate (SSL/TLS) and security for visitors of the site(security headers).
To get started, make sure you are logged on to your Lupasafe dashboard at
Add your domains (websites)
There are three ways to add domains to Lupasafe for scanning: (1) entering manually, (2) importing a file or (3) using the FIND SUBDOMAINS function.
Add a domain: manually or via FIND SUBDOMAINS
Click Technology - Websites and routers - Add domain
The following screen shows up to
You can enter a single domain directly or look it up in the DNS register via "Find subdomains". This functions does a search for you. A great way to find 'shadow IT'.
Alternatively, you can import your domains to scan multiple domain at the same time.
Go to dashboard - my profile - user management - imports and scroll down to templates.
Download the template, open it in Excel for example and add all your domains.
Select import type: "Domain Scan Import" and press "Upload".
The back-end will receive the file, perform a few tests and you can refresh this screen to see the status.
What to expect from scanning
The domain name(s) will be scanned twice a day for any of the known system vulnerabilities. It will also be tested against all known web application vulnerabilities once a week. You can find a list of vulnerabilities that Lupasafe tests here OWASP ZAP.
After adding a domain name is takes a few hours to perform all tests. You will be alerted of high risks via e-mail.
You can download a CSV template to see the format required. Select 'Domain Scan Import' under import type and press Upload. The domain names will be scanned twice a day for any of the known system vulnerabilities. It will also be tested against all known web application vulnerabilities. You can find a list of vulnerabilities that Lupasafe tests here OWASP ZAP.
After adding a domain name is takes a few hours to perform all tests. You will be alerted of high risks via e-mail.
Here the view for our business as an example.
ES = Risks found on webpages (0 = low, 100 = very high)
SSL/TLS = encryption (1 = bad, 10 = outstanding)
Security header score (1= bad, 10 = outstanding)
Hosting provider is also shown.
You can click on any domain name to see open ports, vulnerabilities and other scores.
The dashboard has detailed information.